Hatha Yoga - Everything You Need To Know

Hatha Yoga is the ideal type of yoga for beginners because it provides the foundation for just about every other style of yoga out there. It doesn't get any more basic than hatha, which is what makes it the best class to choose if you've never taken a yoga class before.
But what is hatha? Essentially, hatha is a system combining the practice of physical postures and the common breathing processes associated with the movements of yoga. The postures and movements are typically slow and gentle and you're not going to be asked to do anything too strenuous or challenging. Almost everything about your normal, everyday hatha yoga class is intended to be mild and low-impact.
This is why hatha is the perfect introduction for beginners and an ideal way for seasoned veterans to get back to the fundamentals of their practice, no matter how long they've been doing it.
Common Poses Of Hatha Yoga
There are certain poses that are considered foundation poses since they are the starting point for many other asanas as well. The simplest versions of these postures are common among hatha yoga sequences. You can probably expect one or more of the following to be taught in a beginner course:

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Perhaps the most common pose in hatha yoga is mountain pose as it involves every muscle group in the body and works towards improving your overall posture. Some yogis insist on doing mountain pose as a way to learn control and reduce the potential for injury.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing Dog Pose)
If there is a pose most often associated with yoga it is definitely downward-facing dog. A very common posture, downward dog is great for getting blood to the brain and helps to promote energy, broaden the muscles, and provide strength to the body. Your core and waist get a workout from this pose and it helps to strengthen the back while lengthening the calves and the hamstrings.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
This is another important beginner pose because it provides a myriad of benefits for the mind and body. On the physical side, tree pose is great for stretching the arms, legs, and back which also makes it a reliable solution for relieving the symptoms of sciatica. Tree pose can also help you work on your balance. As for the mental benefits, tree pose improves your equilibrium and focus.

Halasana (Plow Pose)
One of the most effective postures for calm and relaxation, plow pose works to reduce the effects of stress and fatigue and offers relief from pain and discomfort. You might hold this pose as a way to address headaches, backaches, insomnia, or even the symptoms of menopause.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Deceptively simple, standing forward bend works the hamstrings, the calves, and the hips while working towards training the mind to relax and focus in the present. The challenge in this pose lies in holding the position for an extended period of time.
Benefits Of Hatha Yoga
Hatha poses are designed to bring balance, strength, and control to the mind and body. Once you begin to master the many postures that are part of hatha, you can begin to reach deeper levels of mediation and self-reflection. The following are just some of the benefits you can expect to enjoy almost from the start of your hatha yoga practice:
Pain Relief
The movements and positions associated with hatha yoga can be an effective natural painkiller. Different postures can help to target periodic and chronic pain, particularly around the lower back, legs, neck, and shoulders. Practicing these poses can relieve pain and expand your range of motion. This alternative to over-the-counter painkillers is also also a way to keep your body active.
Calm And Relaxation
Yoga has been shown to relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. It can also work wonders for calming the mind, especially if you're having trouble sleeping at night. The more you practice, the greater the impact on your overall well-being through the improvement of the quality of your rest and the ability to calm the mind.
Greater Feeling Of Motivation
Hatha yoga can give you a whole new outlook on your life. It's a positive influence on your psychological and physical well-being, offering resilience and inspiration to embark on other activities. It can also encourage you to be more mindful about your health and diet and bring a positive sense of self-esteem.

Taking A Hatha Yoga Class
There are many types of yoga to choose from - from Kundalini yoga, to Forrest yoga, to even acro yoga. BUT, Hatha yoga is a unique, terrific introduction to the world of yoga. Each class usually begins with an exercise that is meant to center the mind and bring you into the present. Don't worry about that deadline you missed or the meeting that didn't go well - stay in the now. You might begin the class with a moment of silence or a small meditation to help you focus on the present.
Your instructor will guide you through a series of poses and movements that may become progressively more challenging and then proceed in reverse through a series of less difficult postures. The intention is to leave you feeling even and balanced once the class is over. Your breathing is also an essential component of the class, corresponding to the various movements and poses in the sequence.
Keep in mind that you don't need to do every pose in the class nor do you have to remain in a pose for the length of time your instructor suggests. If you need a break, take one. It's perfectly okay to rest and continue only when you are ready.
Final Thoughts
Hatha yoga has long been considered a fundamental style for cleansing and strengthening the body and calming the mind by bringing it into balance. Through this practice, you can find inner tranquility and positivity. As your experience grows and your skills improve, you may choose to try new and more challenging styles, and continue your journey down a path of enlightenment.
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